Anyone following the world news, now knows how corrupt and plagued with double standards the system is. The world despite our technological advancements, is still a jungle at heart, where righteousness doesn't matter, only power does.
Money has been one of the main obstacles/tools used against personal freedoms. It is clear now that the way forward to freedom does not reside in any specific jurisdiction, but in sovereign individuals.
Those technological advancements are not in vain, though. As Freedom's home today is decentralized, within individuals spread across the world; spanning every place, race, and belief system.
Financial Tyranny Must Die
We are still witnessing (live this time) mass murders, mass torture, and deliberate mass starvation. Not to mention the use of money as weapons. Denying whole population the basic right of transacting freely; condemning them to eternal poverty & illiteracy.
We are being told that those suffering are the bad guys. What if they aren't? What if those in power today ARE the bad guys, as are the rest of us through our indifference?
And indeed if those suffering are the bad guys, what happens when the tables are turned, and we Become the resistance?
In this world of AI bots, what happens if Skynet turns out to be true, and humans have to fend off for themselves against the machines. what happens when humans become the resistance?
While Satoshi Nakamoto and his Bitcoin invention, solved Freedom Money, and Vitalik's Ethereum solved permissionless smart contracts; allowing immutable financial applications, we are still struggling with freedom financial tools across chains; that are permissionless, decentralized, and provide privacy.
Money is a Human Right
This is a non-negotiable issue. We cannot, with good conscious, mass condemn people to forever poverty (and all the diseases that come with it) because we don't agree with them.
Free flow of money (including through financial tools) is the only way we guarantee open, free, and permissionless communications. As long as we keep the power of incentives in the hands of the individual, humans can collectively achieve great things and prevent horrendous evils.
Power to the Resistance
Tyranny will always exist, and so will resistance to it. We cannot allow the corrupt to close all doors of reform. And so, we MUST empower the resistance with all the tools possible. And if the central power is righteous, we MUST challenge it, else it steers away.
Money must become like the wind. Indeed, crypto is the first manmade force of nature!
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